Randi Annie Framnes
146 reviews246 followers
This is one of my favorites. Beautiful pictures. Easy to catch the principles. Recommended for anybody who would like to learn about feng shui from a beginners perspective.
- miscellaneous
251 reviews18 followers
Classical superstition? But who am I to judge, I'm sure some people call me superstitious behind my back. Good book for those who have an interest in actually practicing it, although a bit old (personally did not like the pictures much). Few things I did not know about Feng Shui such as that more than one Chinese religion had an influence on the development and that it is not only focused on interior design but also on the outside and position of your house...
- library
26 reviews
Eh. If Feng Shui really worked I'd be rich - the only thing that I really get out of Feng Shui is how to arrange furniture better. I used to be an interior design student, so I usually stuck to Feng Shui for placement tips.
Author21 books129 followers
Of all the books on Feng Shui I've read, this one is the easiest to use if you're trying to improve the Feng Shui of your new house, your office, or a particular room. The book begins with a brief history of feng shui and how it originated in sensible house-siting and positioning in terms of the sun, the wind, and the rain. I found that particularly interesting; most of the feng shui basic insights come from a very sensible, practical perspective of environmental positioning.
Lukas Christensen
96 reviews
Interesting and certainly very helpful if you believe in all that stuff. Personally I am bit weirded out by the fact that they tell you exactly what size your desktop should be and where everything including your entire house should be placed and what side it should face in order to... “fulfil Feng Shui.”
85 reviews1 follower
Not practical.
- architecture-design non-fiction
Ryan Kreft
14 reviews
Do not put the bed under the window
Nicole Pearce
13 reviews
This book is only potentially useful if you have plans on building your own house. Otherwise, it’s only somewhat interesting.
85 reviews
One of many similar books on Feng Shui, that includes activating sectors. I would recommend if get it, then together with "Complete Idiot Guide to Feng Shui", much more complex book, that describes specifics of the books like this, in my understanding. Too much history and theory, too little practical applications, and even those that were given are useless for me. Like at p. 80, if the toilet is located in the wrong place, stop using it, immediately. Huh? It seems that it was more catered to the people who are planning to build a perfect lucky house, with all means for that, and those who, again, have all the means to change place or living for much better at will, but not for the rest of us. Overall, very typical book on Feng Shui, to get the general impression and feel of it and pick up this and that for implementing.
- new-age
899 reviews
I checked this out from my library for some decorating ideas, but that was only a small part of it. Most of the book goes into theory about why Feng Shui works and how to use it. I was pretty confused until I got to the chapters on how to apply the theory. That's when if finally started to come together. Although I don't really believe most of the theory - it sounds too much like astrology to me - I did find some good decorating tips. I appreciated the ideas about softening corners, arranging furniture to allow a good 'flow', and balancing colors and textures. I came away better educated about Feng Shui, and the illustrations are beautiful. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a good, thorough introduction to Feng Shui.
- nonfiction-health nonfiction-home
Roberto Bovina
177 reviews14 followers
The first book I've read about feng shui and Chinese ancient philosophies in general. Written in a simple way to understand, full of figures. Since then, I've embraced this kind of mentality, I firmly believe it, I've searched for more information about the zodiac (I'm not usually the kind of person who follows blindly a religion as any philosophy or science) and the influence of the year on the different areas of the home. But as a first step, I think it is a good book, not too difficult, for beginners.
- china home philosophy
18 reviews5 followers
This is a good choice for someone who, like me, never read a Feng Shui book and wanted to learn about authentic Chinese Feng Shui. Since creating good Feng Shui usually also creates nice aesthetics, I'm certainly going to put some things into practice. My main goal is to create a comfortable and attractive home, and I'll consider it a bonus if doing so directs a little more good luck into my life.
Justin Fraxi
313 reviews44 followers
I don't really get feng shui. I borrowed this from one of my mom's co-workers years ago, and it's an interesting idea I might have to study further at some point. As an environmentally sensitive person, I definitely understand the value of pleasing arrangements. I just remember that I was with her until she started saying that I shouldn't have bookshelves in my bedroom because they shoot poison arrows at me, or something.
- borrowed-from-someone read-before-goodreads read-in-2000s
11 reviews
March 19, 2010I like Feng Shui. It works for me. The same things that I don't like about my house, or that made me feel uncomfortable, are the items that need to be corrected according to Feng Shui principles! Make little changes and wait-the idea is balance!
- feng-shui
123 reviews4 followers
Very useful
Paty Mtz
149 reviews
its very clear, very neat.. you shoul try to follow.
151 reviews1 follower
Martha Smith
261 reviews7 followers
If you are looking for a nice guide to introduce you to the foundations of Feng Shui this is a good book to start with.
- interior-design